Laptop -- Essential Gear

I’m traveling away from home each week this month, and my laptop harddrive failed last night.


Although all my data was backed up on an external (aside from the presentation I’d just started), it all became useless. Thankfully, it magically rebooted six hours later, but not until I had seriously considered a new laptop. Having done the consideration, I figured it was time to post ’em. So here’s my wish laptop.

-> 13.3" display - I want small and portable, after owning a 17" behemoth for the past four years.
-> Long battery life; aforementioned behemoth gets less than two hours while watching video from Hulu, maybe four if I have the drive bay battery in.
-> Plenty (3 or 4GB) of ram.
-> 2.0 GHz processor, prefer faster.
-> Easy to use docking station.
-> SSD storage drive… I don’t need space, but I’d like to not worry about moving parts in a HDD. 32 GB is plenty.
-> USB ports, 802.11a/b/g, and Bluetooth. Duh.
-> Linux (Fedora) compatible.
-> Oh, yeah, no weird colors… brushed aluminum preferred, black or gray will work.

I can get all this for somewhere in the neighborhood of $1500 at the moment. Too much.