August Resolutions Update

  1. Read through my Bible this year before I get married May 23 this year; the entire thing, cover to cover, reading at least a chapter every single day.
    I’m now on page 863, Romans 8. I’ve read every chapter in Romans two or three times - I’d forgotten how long it’s been since I’ve read the New Testament. There is so much more to God and the Gospel that I’ve been missing! Romans 3:10, for example. 86 pages remaining, but a lot of meaty stuff (Hebrews 5:14). What are you reading? How do you divide up the Bible for reading? Why? What are you getting out of it?

  2. Use my credit card whenever possible but never carry a balance.
    If you have no idea where your money is going, or if you’re struggling with debt, or if you just want to get a leg up financially, I’ll refer you over to Dave Ramsey. Seriously. It makes a HUMONGOUS difference in every part of your life. My wife and I are completely free from money worries… this is one step that helps us out a lot. Our credit card bill pays itself every month and we just watch what we spend… perfect.

  3. Contribute the maximum amount to my Roth IRA account. Bingo! Hooray for online banking with recurrent automatic transfers!

  4. Build a three-month emergency fund.

  5. Get my two mile run time under 15 minutes.
    Ooooh, ouch. I’m in the gym more now, but my two mile time is still over 16 minutes. Cardio needed.

  6. Finish the Navigators’ “Design for Discipleship” series of Bible studies.
    Seriously people, Book 5 is incredible. Look for a review in the next week or so.

  7. Blog at least once a week, plus a monthly update on my resolutions.
    Thirteen posts, three of which were found blurbs, plus this update for August. Well beyond my New Years’ expectations, but short of my peak months in May (19) and June (24). Posting every other day seems to be a pretty good goal for my schedule, so I’m endeavoring to be content with my scant 24 hours a day. Anyone know where I can apply to get a few more? Luke 14:28 does not cover one of my strong suits.