Quiet Time

YouVersion Reformation Reading Plan, day 296

Mark 4 §

“The sower sows the word."

Mark 4:14

Not, “the sower looks for good soil,” or “the sower carries a bag of seeds around in case he sees a perfectly tilled empty farm plot.” The sower sows the word. How have I sowed recently?

Good soil hears, accepts, and bears fruit. What parts of God’s word am I not accepting? Do I truly believe that serving God is better than my job (and the money I make from it)? Is it better than my family? Is it better than my church? How does serving God lead me into being a part of the church? Should I change the name of these posts from “Quiet Time” to “Question Time”?

Even those who knew Christ most intimately were surprised and astounded when He calmed the waves. They knew He was their hope — they wake Him in the worst of it and make their needs known! But still, when the stillness happened, they were afraid in the presence of His power. The mountains speak of God’s power. The depths of the ocean and the crests of its waves. The farthest distances of the vast reaches of space proclaim His grandeur. Be afraid! In the face of nature, in the face of His sovereignty, fear the LORD and worship Him!

Jeremiah 26 §

We think of Shiloh as a nice name, meaning something like “Peacful”. Not so to the Israelites at the time of Jeremiah. Despite the fact that it had been the main center of Jewish worship, Shiloh is then a desolate, destroyed place. Which is what happens (some might say is still happening) to Jerusalem. Reminds me of Matthew 21:43, and not in a good way.

“Therefore I tell you that the kingdom of God will be taken away from you and given to a people who will produce its fruit."

Matthew 21:43

The Israelite reaction to Jeremiah is predictably human. They demand his death, because he prophesied against them. Not because he prophesied falsely, or blasphemed. He told them something they didn’t want to hear. What truths about myself, my sin, and my relationship to God do I not want to hear tonight? For Jeremiah, it takes one man standing up to save him. Whose words of prophecy should I be defending?

Jeremiah 27 §

God sometimes sends His people into captivity. He expects them to serve their captors. How can we learn humility from those we must serve?

Jeremiah 28 §

“As for the prophet who prophesies peace, when the word of that prophet comes to pass, then it will be known that the LORD has truly sent the prophet.”

Jeremiah 28:9

The implication being, of course, that God sends prophets to warn the people, not to tell them they are the best and brightest.